Thursday, September 18, 2008

Two weeks

Yesterday we went to the doctor for Adelyn's two week check up. A "normal" baby gets back to their birth weight between 10 and 14 days - and for us 14 days would have been yesterday so here I am fully expecting her to only weigh her birth weight, maybe a tad more. Wrong. She's already up to 7lbs 8oz. Can we say porker?!? Now granted, her legs are still stick thin and she's as scrawny as can be but the scale doesn't lie... But now she's in trouble because remember that deal we had? The deal that said she couldn't grow up or get big? She's only two weeks old and already breaking deals with me. That's something I just can't tolerate ;)

She has thrush though. I'm glad they caught it - and they barely caught it at that. There's only one little spot but he wants to treat it and get rid of it before it gets bad. Jackson never had thrush but Brodie did so I blame this on Aaron. Genetics or something... ;) The meds we have to give her make her so cranky and have a belly ache. I hate it. But I'm hoping that once it's gone, we'll have a happy and healthy baby on our hands.

It was really good to see all the girls at work and that made the appointment that much more fun. Jackson seriously thinks he owns the place though and I guess in a way - he does. He just walks right back there and opens up the toy drawer and starts digging. He better be glad I had my hands full!! The girls there just love him and spoil him like crazy. And I'm so thankful they do because now he loves going to the doctor. We see some kids that have to pulled in kicking and screaming and I would much rather him run in the doors willingly. I really do have a great kid.


Rene said...

Alyssa and thursh it was pretty bad but Chas never got it. Hope she feels better soon. I know that you are going to be a great single mom and you have got through so much already that this will be easy for you.

Anonymous said...

If you ever need someone to come hold your baby, you know my number. And I'll hold her longer than 10 minutes :)

Anonymous said...

I still have yet to meet this little blessing. Maybe that can happen in the near future [the rumors about how I thieve babies are all lies. They can't prove anything!] :)
I wish you the best of luck on Monday...

Brandi Dawn said...

Glad to hear Ms. Adelyn is a healthy porker!! I had to 'Google' Thrush as I have no idea what it is. Doesn't sound fun at all. Im sure it'll clear up soon and she'll be back to her normal sweet cheerful self. :) You are a strong woman and I KNOW everything will be fine for you..i'll be there here for you when you need me. You are ALREADY a great parent and will continue..that i know positivly!!

Unknown said...

Wow that little girl likes to eat :) I'm glad that you are taking things day by day and dealing with things one at a time. You CAN do it, reguardless if he is there or not. Call on your friends. I'm always here to hold a babe and have Gavin play with Jack!

Brandi Dawn said...

Gooood Morning! Just wanted to let you know I was thinking of you this morning. :)

p.s. I am counting down the days till Friday evening..2 almost 3 days.. :)