So Aaron and I are officially fighting - Adelyn smiled at him before she smiled at me. It's just not right... ;)
It was so cute to see her look at him and break out in this huge grin last night. I love it. He was super excited that he was the first one to be smiled at too. I love seeing how happy she makes him. I still think she should have smiled at me first since I'm the one that spends all day with her but I'll forgive her... for now. ;)
Today marks four weeks since I've had her. I cannot believe how fast time goes when you have a newborn! I am half way through my leave now and that makes me so sad. Sitting in the house all day can make me go crazy but I still love being home and not having to work. I was hoping to go out to eat tonight and go shopping with Aaron and Adelyn but it turns out that he has to work late. I'm disappointed but I keep telling myself that the extra money is nice. The extra money that feeds my shopping habits, right?
I'm now addicted to playing poker online. I think it's easier to bet money when it's not really my money, huh? But I told Aaron I'm going to polish up my mad skills here and then take him down some Friday night. He doesn't think I can do it but I'm pretty much kicking butt online right now. It's on...
Not only do you spend all day with her but how quickly she forgets that you GAVE BIRTH to her....some kids....
Haha, at least she's smiling!
I asked Justin if it was bad that I'm looking forward to not having to go to work for 8 weeks....he said it was :( He's probably just jealous!
I can't wait to see a pic of Addie smiling. . . because I'm sure that's soon to come, right? ... right? :)
Before you go playing poker w/ the guys on Friday, you need some killer poker glasses to show Aaron up. Keep that in mind. haha
oh my goodness..that craazy Addie! I can just imagine how excited Aaron was. Soo cute! Maybe she had gas and was smiling at him because she silently *tooted* on him! haha!
Ok, I totally giggled about the poker part of the story! I think you can SOO take him on and kick his booty! That WILL be awesome. AND I agree with are soo gonna need some cool poker glasses when you play with them boys.
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