Sunday, December 7, 2008

December is...

SUCH a crazy month! But I love it. I love the holidays. The smell of it all. The baking. The smiles on everyone's faces. December is a great month but I'd prefer it without snow. We already have one Christmas down and I had so much fun. Last night we had my mom and my sister and her family over for Christmas. This was our Thanksgiving and Christmas combined since it's so hard to fit three holidays into one day so we just met in the middle. The kids were so cute opening their gifts and then we played some games - on our new Wii! My mom is so amazing and got a Wii for our family and for Meg's family. She spent way too much money on us this year but that is just my mom - putting us before her. So we played on that for a while and played some other games which is always fun. Here are some pics of all the kids...

We went and got our tree the Sunday after Christmas and spent the next few days decorating. Usually I'm pretty picky about things but this year I said "what the heck" and let the boys do what they wanted to do. Of course Aaron and I helped some but I figure that we have three kids and kids do really cute things that don't last for long. So the ornaments all got hung in the same spot basically. Not so "attractive" but really cute and really honest. I'm learning to appreciate the pureness in kids' lives and not try to correct everything they do. Just cherish it.

I only have a few more gifts to buy and I think we're going to try to go shopping next weekend. We have a wedding Saturday night [which I'm VERY excited for!!] so we're either going to go Saturday morning or Sunday afternoon. I'm pulling for Saturday morning so I can get a new dress ;) The Saturday after that we have Christmas with my dad and then it's only a few days 'til Christmas! This month sure does fly! Right now we're also planning on spending New Years in Pennsylvania with Aaron's brother so I'm really excited about that. I've never been out there before and I know we'll have a blast!

Jackson's Christmas program was this morning and oh... so cute!! How did my kid get stuck in the front row and in the center?? For real!! He [and all the other kids too!] was so cute and did so good. I took a few pics and then I remembered that my camera has a little video on it. Buuuuut I can't figure out how to download the dang thing so I'll just give you a quick pic and try to work on the video later...

And of course on to Miss Adie. My world is about to crumble... she's officially on the move. ;) She can now roll from her back to her belly and all I can see is crawling and pulling everything off of shelves now. AHH! I'm totally kidding. I am so proud of her and I love watching her grow up. I was talking with a girl I work with and she was saying that we always focus so much on our child's "firsts" that we forget about their "lasts." Wow. So I am going to remember these moments - the last time she takes a pacifier. The last time she stays put when I place her somewhere. The last time she wears my favorite outfit. The last time she smiles at me with no teeth. I'm choking up just thinking about these things. So here are some of her "no-teeth-smiles" for everyone else to enjoy too!


Unknown said...

Aww, it's all so cute :) I actually journaled about that "lasts" thing after talking with you Thursday night. That impacted me big time.

I can't wait until you figure out how to download the video of Jack singing!!!

Love you :)

Abbaybay said...

you amaze me. You're such an amazing mom, and you've got such a big heart and you really feel things...I mean really feel them and I admire that about you. I love reading your posts because I know everytime they are gonna lift my spirits b/c of how you find the beautiful in everything. I love you.

Brandi Dawn said... got a Wii for Christmas!! How stinking awesome!! We steal Troy's moms every now an's pretty fun! I love that you are loving life to it's fullest! Your family is just adorable. I love it and I love you guys!