Sunday, March 15, 2009

One full plate!

Things in this household are crazy! We found out last week that we got the house so we signed papers on Friday. We meet the guy we are getting it from on Tuesday and we get the key then too. Our house is in shambles to say the least! We have boxes everywhere and nothing is in order. I keep telling myself this is temporary but the OCD in me is not happy to see my house every day. I'm very excited to move though. We have most of our paint ready to go and I'm hoping to get some rooms painted before the big move on Saturday. I'll keep my expectations low and my fingers crossed!

The kids have been doing good. The boys are both stoked about moving and getting their own rooms. Brodie has been really sick the last couple of months and I'm not really sure what to do with him anymore! He had strep throat and then an ear infection turned up and then ta-da, he now has an upper respiratory infection. When does it end?? He woke up the last two nights just screaming because he hurt so bad. I feel terrible for him! Today he was being his goofy self though so I think he's on the mend. For now. He told us yesterday that he was going to marry Adelyn when she got bigger and immediately following that, Jackson told us he was going to be a mommy soon. Please pray for these boys... ;)

But we think Brodie is talking about marrying Adie because his daddy asked me to marry him. That's right, we're engaged. No date or details yet but a very gorgeous ring on my finger. I was ecstatic to say the least :) So now we're packing, moving, organizing, and trying to start planning a wedding. I've definitely got a lot on my plate right now but I'm not complaining one bit :)


Brandi Dawn said...

YAY!! I've been checking your blog DAILY seeing if you had updated yet!! I didn't want to leave a comment and ruin it for you telling everyone on here! :) Brodie cracks me up as does Jackson! You have some crazy boys with hilarious personalities! You just gotta love em! I am VERY anxious to see this new home of yours! I can just imagine it'll look soo cute! Glad to hear things are going WONDERFUL for you! :)

Rene said...

Congrats, on everything that you have going on for you and your family.

Anonymous said...

Congrats!!! So how about a pic of that ring!! :) And how did he do it???

Good luck with your move too!!

Anonymous said...

Congrats!! (I just now read this, sorry)
I agree w/ Kayla... picture of the ring, what what!?
I hope the move goes (went) well! Painting = FUN!
Oh and congrats on being a grandma! When does Jack find out the gender? lol :)
Where is the new house?