Wednesday, May 12, 2010


We try to cut corners when possible and do what we can to give our budget a little cushion. Some people do that by working two jobs or working overtime or – you know – normal things. Here are some of our ways to accomplish our goal of being cheap.

* We spend our Saturday nights by living on the edge! We sit on buckets in the garage and strip wire while listening to country music. We like to take metals to the scrap yard like pop cans and copper from leftover wire or other things that we run across. Aren’t you jealous?!?

* I spend some bucks on my hair product. No, it’s not $20 a bottle but YOU try to straighten THIS hair with some cheap working spray. Not happening. So I buy it at my salon for more than I would like to spend. I find myself scraping the barrel when it comes to the end of the bottle. When it runs out and I can’t spray ANY thing out of it anymore, I start using the new bottle but dump the droplets from the old into the new. I have made an effort to never let Aaron see me do this because I know the let’s-make-fun-of-Sarah would never end!

* We’re sitting through an awful presentation next Wednesday on fire safety because sitting through it gives us a $30 gift card to Mancino’s – no purchase required. I love me some Mancino’s so I have no problem with wasting my time and make I’ll learn how to stop, drop, and roll…

How do YOU save a few extra pennies??


Anonymous said...

I only shop at CVS if I have bucks back or coupons.

I don't think I own any actual Tupperware containers. All mine are Glad containers from deli meat or reused Cool Whip bowls/lids. (Problem: They don't snap together like those fancy ones I'm totally tempted to buy since they're so... practical!)

I plan to start selling my "new art projects" that I have yet to blog about since I'm not all the way done with my business plan. Stay tuned, because I *know* you'll be a fan of them :)

Oh and email me about this fire safety/mancino's gift card... PLEASE!

Sarah said...

Soooo how do you get extra bucks if you don't shop there to begin with? I love shopping their bargains - I pick their ad first out of my Sunday paper!

I do have actual Tupperware BUT I still save my old ones. You can never have too much of that stuff :)

Now I'm ITCHING to see these art projects!! I've always loved your art so can I proudly be one of your first buyers??? Seriously... sneak peak at least?!?

And the gift card - we signed up at Mancinos to get a free day at Wana Waves. They got our name from that. They're coming to our house next Wednesday for the presentation so I'll pass on your name. A $30 gift card is HUGE in my books!

I love seeing how other people "crazy" save money! Gets my wheels turning and my budget tighter ;)

Unknown said...

When I am getting to the end of a lotion, I cut the bottle and scrap out every last drop. Patrick thinks I am nuts. Seriously. I also stock up when stores have a buy one get one free sale!

Anonymous said...

We got netflix instead of going to the video store every weekend. Then we have movie weekends with micro popcorn and $1 candy :)

We make a menu for the week and buy exactly what we need so we don't buy extra food. We also go through the house before we make the menu to see what we may have already that we can use!

We shop at Walmart for almost everything then for things that are produce or meat, we go to an actual "grocery" store. I don't trust walmart fresh food and grocery stores are too expensive for everything else!

Almost all of my wedding stuff is DIY so I wait until I get a coupon for Michael's (40% off one item, 20% off total purchase) before I buy anything. I've only paid full price for a handful of my wedding stuff!

I love to wait for bargains. If I don't need it right away, I'll wait to see if it goes on sale. If it's gone when I go back, it wasn't meant to be. If it's on sale, even better :)